This book is about the crime against humanity day by day, the humanity is dying inside us this book is going to help you to find your inner humanity back into your life. I believe that words have the power to transport us to different realms, and CREAK is no exception. However, I must warn you that the content in this book is fit for adults. It is a work of fiction, yet it addresses a brutal crime reality against women and children whether it is at the hands of a stranger or so within the four walls of their homes and the pain and trauma that they endure is unimaginable. Through the pages of CREAK, I have attempted to shed light on these issues and initiate a dialogue that promotes understanding, empathy, and action. CREAK is not a personal memory. Rather, it is a reflection of my thoughts and ideas, which I have carefully woven into each poem and song. I hope that you find resonance with the words and that they stay with you long after you have finished reading.
"Sony KT Mirchandani {Authoress/ Poetess/Blogger} her writing works has been published in various Indian Magazines/Newspapers, and she has won many prizes for her writing work.
Authoress of three published books under and Xpress Publishing and has a blog title STOPHERE under with current page view 508308 and still counting.
She likes writing, reading, listing to music and watching Historical Web series {English} based on true events or a good Drama {Mostly British} TV Soap Operas.
With 1000 collection of writing work, she is currently writing a fantasy book and a short story collection based on human emotions."