Tried for Her Life by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth is a compelling legal drama that centers around a female protagonist wrongfully accused of a crime. Set in 19th-century America, the novel delves into the intricacies of a courtroom trial where the protagonist's struggle for justice forms the crux of the story. The plot explores themes of moral conflict and social issues, as the protagonist faces not only the legal challenge of proving her innocence but also the societal prejudices that accompany false accusations. Family dynamics play a crucial role in the narrative, influencing both the protagonist's personal journey and the unfolding of the trial. Southworth weaves a tale of redemption and resilience, highlighting the protagonist's quest to clear her name and restore her honor. The novel reflects on the broader social and moral questions of the time, making it a powerful exploration of justice and integrity.
Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth (December 26, 1819 - June 30, 1899) was an American novelist who wrote over 60 books in the late nineteenth century. She was the most popular American novelist of her day. In her works, her heroines frequently challenge modern ideas of Victorian feminine domesticity by demonstrating that virtue is naturally coupled with wit, adventure, and rebellion to fix any terrible situation. Though The Hidden Hand (1859) was her most popular novel, Southworth preferred Ishmael (1876). Emma Nevitte was born on December 26, 1819, in Washington, D.C., to Susannah Wailes and Charles LeCompte Nevitte, a trader from Virginia. Her father died in 1824, and she was given the name Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte at his final wish. She attended a school run by her stepfather, Joshua L. Henshaw. She later described her youth as lonely, with her best times spent exploring Maryland's Tidewater region on horseback. During such rides, she developed a deep interest in the area's history and mythology. After attending her stepfather's school, she finished her secondary education at the age of 15 in 1835.