
The Downfall Part Third

Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

In The Downfall Part III Émile Zola explores the aftermath of the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. After the Battle of Sedan, the French army is imprisoned for a week before being marched to Germany. During their captivity, Jean and Maurice manage to escape, but Jean is wounded in the process. He is hidden and cared for by Henriette in the vicinity of Sedan, with his recovery lasting through the harsh winter. Meanwhile, Maurice makes his way to Paris, where the city is besieged by the Prussians in the winter and spring of 1871.

By the spring, Jean has rejoined the French army under a new government that has negotiated an armistice. In Paris, a popular uprising erupts in response to the armistice’s humiliation. During the suppression of the rebellion, Jean accidentally mortally wounds Maurice, who is fighting with the insurgents. The novel ends with a tragic reunion between Jean, Maurice, and Henriette in Paris.

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