The story of "Tarrano the Conqueror" takes place in the year 2430 AD, which is about as far away from our time as Columbus' discovery of America was. It was my intention to give you the idea that you had suddenly been transported back in time, simulating the sensation Columbus may have had had he read a book on modern living. In order to do this, the author has imagined himself as a writer from that period in the future who is writing to his current audience. Imagine that you are reading a modern translation of his original manuscript, one that is so loose that it contains a thousand tiny colloquialisms that would not have any contemporary equivalents in the year 2430. You will occasionally see small footnotes with explanations that are separate from the text. Imagine that the translator placed them there. The story isn't meant to be extraordinary or full of avant-garde concepts. In that sense, the story itself is simply meant to be a love story filled with excitement and passion; it was created for that audience rather than for you.
American science fiction and comic book writer Ray Cummings (born Raymond King Cummings; August 30, 1887 - January 23, 1957) was born in the United States. From 1914 through 1919, he served as Thomas Edison's personal assistant and technical writer. The Girl in the Golden Atom, written by Sir Edwin W. Cummings and released in 1922, is regarded as one of his most important science fiction works. For The Girl In The Golden Atom, Cummings merged elements from The Diamond Lens by Fitz James O'Brien and The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. A collection of short tales that were released between 1919 and 1922 is his most well-known fictional work. The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings first published in All-Story Magazine on March 15, 1919. Several of his stories were published in pulp magazines before being collected in books. It was a common misconception that Einstein or Feynman was the author of the adage "Time is what prevents everything from occurring at once." The Time Professor, one of his earlier works that was published in 1921, is cited as the instance where it was first used.