
Jerry Of The Islands

Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

Jerry of the Islands: A True Dog Story is a novel by American author Jack London. Jerry of the Islands was at first distributed in 1917 and is one of the last works by Jack London. The novel is set on the island of Malaita, a piece of the Solomon Islands archipelago, which in 1893 turned into a British protectorate. The legend of the novel is Irish terrier Jerry, who was a sibling of canine named Michael, about whom London composed another novel - Michael, Brother of Jerry. In the introduction, Jack London tells about the boat Minota on which he voyaged and which destroyed in the Solomon Islands. Skipper Kellar of Eugenie transport protected Jack London after the wreck yet later passed on by the hands of the man-eaters. London makes reference to a letter that he got from C. M. Woodford, the Resident Commissioner of the British Solomons. In this letter, Woodford expounded on a correctional undertaking on the adjoining island. The second point of the activity was looking for the remaining parts of Jack London's companions. During the journey on Minota, Jack London and his significant other observed a canine on board the boat, an Irish terrier named Peggy. The couple connected to Peggy such a lot of that London's better half took the canine after the disaster area of the boat.

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