The past decade has brought many changes to the publishing industry and many new author scams designed to hoodwink new players in the market making non- traditional routes viable for authors, but is it really a good idea because dubious things are happening in the publishing industry and publishing scams are in place for first time authors.  Some book publishing companies spread their claws and try to take advantage of new writers such as those, who are desperate to their work published and who do not want to leave any nook for cranny that they would go through the route of self- publishing, or hybrid publishing, now, both of them are not a big deal, but one has to look for genuine publishers, even if they are self – publishing, or hybrid book publishers. It is a tough call to make, therefore, one has to look at what are publishing scams and then, one can know the tips to avoid publishing scams.

How to Avoid Falling Victim to Publishing Scam

There are dubious and fraudulent players in the space of publishing, these book publishing companies are looking to make money through writers who are too desperate to get published and won’t do background research for a book publication they are paying to get published.  Many of these publishers use the names of traditional publishers to dupe first time authors. They are coming up with all kinds of strategies such as marketing, salesmen and agents, so that people think they are genuine and once they get hold of money, they vanish without a trace.

They also may steal manuscripts as new authors do not know about copyright laws and copyright materials and it is very easy these days to steal from authors.

Tips to Avoid Publishing Scams

Worst self-companies are many in number.  They lie in wait with their claws out ready to poune on the victim.  They take advantage of the lack of knowledge and experience of the author and posing as a traditional publisher usurp authors of their money.

 Book publishers to Avoid

 It is important for authors to know which publishers to avoid.  Here are a few traits of self- publishing companies first time authors should avoid.  Publishers who lead authors with unnecessary costs and fees like

  • Reading a manuscript cannot be chargeable, as it is their job.
  • Purchase compulsions: No proper publishing company compels the author to purchase their own book
  • Publisher Fee for a Traditional Publisher:   A traditional publisher never levies any service charges.  Self-publishing requires service charges.
  • Contest Fees: Only notorious publishing companies force the author to participate in competitions to charge fees.

Publishers with false advertising and claims that their book can become a bestseller and assure the sale of a guaranteed number.

 Another indicator of a publishing scam is overpricing self- publishing services, low quality editing and designing.

 Author Scams

This is one of the most dubious kinds of publisher which authors should not heed, i.e, the vanity publisher which has to be avoided at all costs.  Vanity publishers are publishing houses where the authors publish their work without getting anything in   return.  Vanity publishers, as the name defines that the author publish by taking exorbitant fees.  These publishers are seriously sly people, who flatter the author and deliver poor quality of books, after taking money.  Their main concern is to make motive to make money from the contribution of the author and are reluctant to promote, market, or sell the goods. Hence, they do not have connections with any bookshops and all the things they publish end on a sad note.

 Publishers with Unethical contracts

It is important for the author to read the terms and conditions properly.  Contracts are drafted by the publishing houses and they add a minimum sales guarantee, get the rights of the book to themselves and control the exit close of the contract.  Ethical clause will generally allow the author to retain 50 percent of the rights, but these kinds of things are played nastily by worst self- publishing houses and those are the companies the authors have to avoid.

Thumbs Down Publisher’s List

There is a list of publishers which has to be avoided by the author, one of the most prominent vanity publishers is Author Solution.  They trade under a number of names such as Author Hive, and many other names.

 Signs of a Publishing Scam

With an alarming rise in publishing scams, it is advisable that the author choses the traditional publishing route, especially for first time authors. Double9books is a traditional publisher for all kinds of books, so if you have an idea what you want to write, then, discuss your idea by filling the contact form on Complete your manuscript, get approved and publish the manuscript globally.

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