“Recalled to Life” by Grant Allen is a gripping Victorian novel centered around the theme of resurrection. The story follows a man who is brought back to life after being declared dead, sparking a profound exploration of science and its boundaries. The novel delves into the mysterious aspects of this resurrection, combining elements of mystery with scientific and medical advancements of the time. Set in the Victorian Era, the narrative provides social commentary on the norms and attitudes of the period. Romantic subplots weave through the story, adding depth to the characters' relationships and highlighting the interplay between personal desires and societal expectations. Overall, the book reflects on the era's medical science and its impact on individuals and society, offering a thought-provoking and engaging read. “Recalled to Life” is notable for its imaginative approach to scientific concepts and its ability to intertwine these ideas with rich storytelling and social critique. It remains an intriguing example of Victorian science fiction and continues to captivate readers with its exploration of the limits of human knowledge and the ethical dimensions of scientific discovery.
Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen was a Canadian science writer and author who was born on February 24, 1848, and died on October 25, 1899. He went to school in England. During the second half of the 1800s, he spoke out in favor of evolution. Ellen Allen was born on Wolfe Island, which is near Kingston in Canada West (now Ontario). He was the second child of Catharine Ann Grant and the Rev. Joseph Antisell Allen, who was a Protestant priest from Dublin, Ireland. The fifth Baron de Longueuil's daughter was his mother. When Allen was 13, he and his parents moved to the United States, then to France, and finally to the United Kingdom. Before that, Allen went to school at home. The two schools he went to were King Edward's School in Birmingham and Merton College in Oxford, both in the UK. Allen studied in France after high school and taught at Brighton College from 1870 to 1871. When he was in his mid-20s, he became a professor at Jamaica's Queen's College, which was for black students. Allen stopped believing in God and became a socialist, even though his father was a preacher.