
Darwinism An Exposition Of The Theory Of Natural Selection With Some Of Its Applications

By: Alfred Russel Wallace
Published By: Double9 Books

About the Book

Alfred Russel Wallace was a British naturalist and explorer who independently discovered the theory of evolution through natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin. In his book, "Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with Some of Its Applications," Wallace explains the key principles of Darwin's theory and their implications for the understanding of life on earth. Wallace argues that the principle of natural selection is the driving force behind the evolution of species, with organisms that are better adapted to their environment more likely to survive and reproduce. He also discusses the concept of variation, or the idea that individuals within a species exhibit differences that can be inherited by their offspring and that can accumulate over time. Wallace also delves into the social implications of Darwin's theory, noting that it challenges traditional religious and philosophical views of human nature and our place in the natural world. He argues that Darwinism offers a more rational and scientific approach to understanding the diversity of life on earth and our own place in the evolutionary process. Overall, Wallace's "Darwinism" provides a clear and concise overview of the theory of natural selection and its applications, as well as its broader implications for science, philosophy, and society.

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About Author

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russel Wallace was an English naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, biologist, and illustrator who lived from 8 January 1823 to 7 November 1913. His own development of the theory of evolution through natural selection is what made him most famous. Charles Darwin's earlier papers on the subject were also excerpted in his 1858 paper, which was published in the same year. In response, Darwin rapidly wrote an abstract of the "great species book" he was composing, which he then published in 1859 as "On the Origin of Species. Beginning in the Amazon River basin, Wallace conducted considerable fieldwork. The Wallace Line, which divides the Indonesian archipelago into two distinct parts and is now known as the Wallace Line, was discovered by him while conducting fieldwork in the Malay Archipelago. In the western portion, where the animals are large and of Asian origin, and in the eastern portion, where the fauna reflects Australasia. He is frequently referred to as the "father of biogeography," or more specifically, of zoogeography, and was thought to be the foremost authority on the geographic distribution of animal species in the 19th century.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 394 Pages
  • ISBN-10: 935801976X
  • ISBN-13: 9789358019766
  • Item Weight: 472.8g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 21.7 mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Reading age : 10+
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Science / Natural History ,Science / General,Science / History