This mystery book named Dyke Darrel The Railroad Detective written by Frank Pinkerton is set in and around the cities of St. Louis, Chicago, and New York. It features a large cast of people who keep the plot moving. Dyke Darrel launches a manhunt after looking into a daring train heist that resulted in a friend's murder. At its finest, high Victorian serial drama. After reading the crime notice on the midnight express, less than two hours later. There was Dyke Darrel in Chicago. He went to the deceased messenger's body and quickly examined it. Darrel immediately saw that Nicholson had put up a valiant battle for his life but had been defeated by a stronger force. The outlaws were already the subject of a $10,000 prize offered for their capture and punishment. In this detective story, Dyke Darrel looks into the death of messenger Arnold Nicholson during the robbery of the Central Railroad's midnight express. His sister Nell, who he was scheduled to go on vacation with, assists him. In his pursuit of the offender, Dyke Darrell turns Chicago, "the Gotham of the North," upside down.
The Scottish-American spy, investigator, and founder of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Allan Frank Pinkerton (1819-1844), was the father of Allan Frank Pinkerton, who gained notoriety in the middle of the 19th century. A. Frank, like many other writers of the era, based his highly sensationalized and widely read novels on the Pinkerton cases on his father's work and the agency's archives. Allan Pinkerton, a Scottish immigrant and the father of Frank Pinkerton, met Chicago attorney Edward Rucker in a nearby Masonic Hall in the 1850s. The North-Western Police Agency, later known as the Pinkerton Agency, was founded by the two men. Pinkerton drew clients and started expanding the business by using his spying abilities. "By the middle of the 1850s, a few businessmen realized they needed more control over their employees and formed a private detective system," writes historian Frank Morn. After conferring with six railways in the Midwest, Allan Pinkerton established such an organization in Chicago in February 1855."