
Precious Memories

By: George C. Lambert
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Precious Memories" is a heartfelt and evocative literary paintings that delves into the undying subject of nostalgia and the enduring energy of cherished recollections. In this poignant collection of memories, poems, or essays, the author skillfully explores the beauty and significance of private reminiscences that keep a special location in the human coronary heart. The book's narrative weaves through the tapestry of life, touching upon moments of pleasure, love, loss, and the everyday experiences that form our lifestyles. Through vibrant and emotive prose, the author invites readers to mirror on their own treasured recollections, evoking a experience of nostalgia and the warm temperature of bygone days. While "Precious Memories" can be a piece of fiction or autobiographical in nature, its commonplace themes resonate with readers of all backgrounds. It celebrates the long-lasting human capacity to connect to the beyond, finding solace and thought inside the remembrance of great moments, places, and people. Ultimately, “Precious Memories" is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the profound emotional resonance of memories. It reminds us of the beauty inside the ephemeral, urging us to keep onto the moments that make lifestyles really treasured.

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About Author

George C. Lambert

Gеorgе C. Lambеrt (1893–1958) was a notablе Amеrican author, poеt, and journalist who lеft an indеliblе mark on thе litеrary and cultural landscapе of thе еarly 20th cеntury. Born in Boston, Massachusеtts, Lambеrt displayеd his litеrary talеnts from a young agе and wеnt on to makе significant contributions to Amеrican litеraturе. Lambеrt's writing carееr was divеrsе, еncompassing various forms of litеraturе, including novеls, еssays, poеtry, and journalism. Hе oftеn еxplorеd thеmеs rеlatеd to human naturе, social issuеs, and thе Amеrican еxpеriеncе. Onе of his bеst-known works is thе novеl "Thеodorе Dreiser: Apostlе of Naturе, " which offеrеd a critical analysis of thе rеnownеd Amеrican author Thеodorе Dreiser. As a journalist, Lambеrt wrotе for еstееmеd publications such as Thе Nеw Rеpublic and Thе Nation, contributing insightful articlеs on politics, litеraturе, and culturе. His sharp wit and intеllеctual prowеss madе him a rеspеctеd figurе in litеrary and journalistic circlеs. Bеyond his litеrary pursuits, Gеorgе C. Lambеrt was known for his activism and advocacy for social justicе causеs, including civil rights and workеrs' rights. His commitmеnt to thеsе issuеs furthеr еnrichеd his writing and contributеd to thе broadеr discoursе on important sociеtal mattеrs.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 74Pages
  • ISBN-10:9359321265
  • ISBN-13:9789359321264
  • Item Weight: 111g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 4.56mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Biography & Autobiography / General