The Development of the Feeling for Nature In the Middle Ages and Modern Times
By:ALFRED BIESE Published By:Double9 Books
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The Development of the Feeling for Nature In the Middle Ages and Modern Times
About the Book
"The Development of the Feeling for Nature" with the aid of Alfred Biese takes a close look at how human beings's feelings approximately nature have changed over the years. The photograph, which turned into written with the help of Alfred Biese, a German literary historian, seems at how human beings's emotions approximately nature have changed over the years and between countries. Biese seems at how our ideas approximately nature have changed over time, from the oldest human beings to ultra-modern hip younger humans. He looks on the mental, creative, and artistic ways that people have pointed out their courting with nature. He additionally talks approximately how modifications in lifestyle and society have prompted this relationship. It's not simply the intellectual and emotional elements of the link that Biese looks at in his work. Additionally, they take a look at how urbanization and technology have modified how human beings reflect onconsideration on the natural world. With what he is aware of approximately literature and historic records, the writer has written a story that looks at how people and societies have come to understand, love, and on occasion even abuse nature. We can study greater approximately how community, society, and the surroundings have interaction in a terrible way from Biese's examine of ways people's emotions approximately nature have changed over the years.
Alfred Biese (February 25, 1856 – March eleven, 1930) turned into a German literary historian. Born in Putbus at the island of Rügen, Germany, on February 25, 1856, he became the son of Franz Biese (1803–1895), an esteemed Aristotle student and head teacher at the Pädagogium in Putbus. Alfred Biese pursued research in classical philology and German literature at the University of Bonn, the University of Greifswald, and the University of Kiel. Commencing in 1879, Biese labored as a high faculty teacher in Kiel, Schleswig, and Koblenz. From 1899 to 1921, he served as the headmaster of high schools first in Neuwied and later in Frankfurt am Main. A close partner of Theodor Storm, Biese performed a crucial function in modifying Storm's Complete Works in fourteen volumes. His three-extent German Literary History, posted up until his death, accomplished a notable move of over 100,000 copies. Alfred Biese handed away on March eleven, 1930, in Bonn. His contributions to literary history and his willpower to the works of Theodor Storm left a long-lasting impact, marking him as a full-size discern inside the German literary panorama of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.