
The Doctor'S Wife

By: M.E.Braddon
Published By: Double9 Books

About the Book

About six extremely spiced novels by Mr. Sigismund Smith were published, and they were quite well received by the classes who prefer their literature as strongly flavored as their tobacco. Except when he found himself on the shelf of a newsvendor, very oily and dog-eared at the edges, he always appeared in weekly numbers for a cent a week. The maid-of-all-work visited the greengrocer's and came back with a boy who appeared filthy and a truck. Mr. Lansdell had returned from Lowlands, but he avoided the grey old estate where the Earl and his daughter were wallowing in a depressing and financially precarious situation. The carpet bag, luggage, and trunks belonging to Mrs. Judkin's son were loaded into the truck before he left, leaving them in Sigismund's care.
Smooth glades, enchanting waterfalls, and gorgeous landscape gardening effects like those at Mordred Priory are absent from Lowlands. For the past 150 years, the Earls of Ruysdale have mostly lagged behind the rest of the world. Only a dense layer of woodland surrounded the old red-brick home, unaltered by the merciless handicraft of modern development.

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About Author


Mary Elizabeth Braddon was a prominent Victorian author from England who wrote from 4 October 1835 to 4 February 1915. Her 1862 bestseller Lady Audley's Secret, which has been dramatized and adapted into cinema several times, is her best-known work. Mary Elizabeth Braddon was raised privately and was born in London's Soho. She moved in with John Maxwell (1824–1895) after they became friends in 1861. With Mary Ann Crowley, with whom he had five children, Maxwell was already wed. Crowley was residing with her family, while Maxwell and Braddon were residing as husband and wife. Up until Maxwell's wife passed away in 1874, Mary raised his kids as their stepmother. Mary Elizabeth Braddon passed away in Richmond on February 4th, 1915, and was buried there. In addition to the ghost stories "The Cold Embrace","Eveline's Visitant," and "At Chrighton Abbey," Braddon also authored the bargain with the devil tale "Gerard or The World, the Flesh, and the Devil" (1891).

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 425 Pages
  • ISBN-10: 9357277358
  • ISBN-13: 9789357277358
  • Item Weight: 510g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 23.3 mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Reading age : 10+
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Fiction / Literary