
The Downfall Part Second

Published By: Double9 Books
Rs. 179.00
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About the Book

In The Downfall Part II, Émile Zola vividly describes the Battle of Sedan, a pivotal moment in the Franco-Prussian War. The Prussian army successfully encircles the city, positioning their artillery on the surrounding hills and trapping the French forces in the valley. The French army finds itself in a dire and desperate situation.

Zola presents the battle through the perspectives of several characters, including Jean, Maurice, Henriette, and Weiss, her civilian husband. As the battle rages, Weiss bravely defends his home against the Prussians but ultimately perishes during the invasion of his village. The French army, overwhelmed by the Prussian forces and under the threat of total destruction, is forced to retreat to Sedan, where they are compelled to surrender. The Emperor and the French troops are captured, marking a devastating defeat for France. The second part of the novel is a harrowing portrayal of war's brutality and the collapse of national pride.

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