The British author Ford Madox Ford published a book titled ''The Good Soldier'' is a Tale of Passion in 1915. It takes place just before World War I and details the tragedy of Edward Ashburnham's marriage, which on the surface seemed flawless, as well as that of his two American friends. The book's narrative is told in a non-chronological order of flashbacks; Ford's groundbreaking interpretation of literary impressionism included this literary trick. Ford successfully employs the tactic of the unreliable narrator as the main character gradually reveals a version of events that is considerably different from what the beginning leads the reader to assume. The book was based somewhat on two instances of infidelity as well as Ford's complicated personal life. The Saddest Story was the book's initial title, but the publishers requested a change when World War I broke out. Ford coined the satirical phrase "The Good Soldier," and it became popular. On the Modern Library's 1998 list of the top 100 English-language books released during the 20th century, The Good Soldier was ranked number thirty. The BBC ranked the best 100 British books of 2015, and The Good Soldier came in at number thirteen.
Ford Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer, sometimes known as Ford Madox Ford, English novelist, poet, critic, and editor (17 December 1873 - 26 June 1939), whose publications The English Review and The Transatlantic Review were crucial to the growth of early 20th-century literature in both England and America. The Good Soldier (1915), the Parade's End tetralogy (1924-1928), and The Fifth Queen trilogy are the works that Ford is most known for today (1906-1908). The Modern Library's 100 Best Novels, The Observer's "100 Greatest Novels of All Time," and The Guardian's "1000 novels everyone must read" all list The Good Soldier among the best novels of the 20th century. Ford and Elsie Martindale, his high school sweetheart, ran away in 1894. After getting hitched in Gloucester, the pair relocated to Bonington. They relocated to Winchelsea in 1901. They have two daughters: Katharine (born 1897) and Christina (born 1897). (born 1900). Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane, W.H. Hudson, Henry James in adjacent Rye, and H.G. Wells were among Ford's neighbors in Winchelsea. Ford experienced an agoraphobic breakdown in 1904 as a result of his marital and financial issues. He traveled to Germany to receive therapy and spend time with his family.