The History Of England From The Norman Conquest To The Death Of John (1066-1216)
By:George Burton Adams Published By:Double9 Books
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The History Of England From The Norman Conquest To The Death Of John (1066-1216)
About the Book
The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John is a historical collection of experiences of the time period from 1066 to 1216. Readers will go through the journey of Development in England which explores the life of Norman Conquest, the dynasty of various English monarchs, the Angevin Empire, and the Magna Carta. Anyone interested in reading an objective description of the time period will find this interesting. The evolution of British law and the constitution is discussed. Your interest in Stephen and Empress Maude's civil war will grow as you read the novel.
American medievalist historian George Burton Adams was born in Vermont on June 3, 1851, and he passed away on May 26, 1925. From 1888 until 1925, he was a professor at Yale University. He was renowned for his written works as well as his 1908 lecture as president of the American Historical Association, in which he bemoaned the social sciences' intrusion into the study of history. James Harvey Robinson would subsequently contest this assertion. Additionally, he was crucial in the founding of the American Historical Review. Adams was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1918 as well as a member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1899.